Indigenous Languages CPI Information Sheet

Certified Specialist Legal Interpreter (Auslan) Candidate Instructions

Reminder for candidates Familiarise yourself with the Certified Specialist Legal Interpreter (Auslan) test page. Read the Terms and Conditions. Understand the assessment process including how NAATI will assess your language use. You must first sit and pass the Certified Specialist Legal Interpreter (CSLI) Knowledge Test before being eligible to sit the Interpreting Test. Knowledge test…
Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (Auslan) Candidate Instructions

Reminder for candidates Familiarise yourself with the Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (Auslan) test page. Read the Terms and Conditions. Understand the assessment process including how NAATI will assess your language use. You must first sit and pass the Certified Specialist Health Interpreter (CSHI) Knowledge Test before being eligible to sit the Interpreting Test. Knowledge test…
Certified Deaf Provisional Interpreter Candidate Instructions

Reminder for candidates Familiarise yourself with the Certified Provisional Deaf Interpreter test page. Read the Terms and Conditions. Understand the assessment process including how NAATI will assess your language use. Preparing for test day Before your test During your test at the NAATI office What NAATI will & will not provide…
Certified Conference Interpreter (CCI) – English into Auslan: Assessment Rubrics

Certified Conference Interpreter (CCI) – Auslan into English: Assessment Rubrics