NAATI News | July 2023

In this month’s edition: An EOFY wrap up and message from our CEO, Mark Painting. The JCDI Legal Literate app helping interpreters in court settings. NAIDOC Week Webinar from our Indigenous Interpreting Project Staff Spotlight: Aurélie Sheehan Industry new and upcoming events.
NAATI News | June 2023

In this month’s edition: Invitation for all language service providers to a discussion on the language services sector with the Department of Home Affairs and NAATI. Introduction of NAATI Testing Solutions: Hosting and creation of online, hybrid and in-person tests or venue hire for your business. Reminder about the Language Sector Sustainability Survey from the…
NAATI News | May 2023

In this month’s edition: CCI Preparation Module, Webinar on NAATI Specialist Credentials, Staff spotlight: Rhys Wilkins, Industry news and upcoming events.
NAATI News | April 2023

This month, we have another big update for you: Learn more about the new digital stamps and ID cards for practitioners in a free online webinar. Launch of paid assessed practice tests from May. NAATI wins Best Workplace Award. Staff spotlight on our HR manager Donna Brown. Industry news and upcoming events.
NAATI News | March 2023

This month, we have another big update for you: Launch of a new NAATI credential in Auslan translation. Launch of new digital stamps and ID cards for practitioners, as well as other system upgrades. Interview with a participant in our credentialing program pilot in partnership with Australian Red Cross. New recommended protocols for the translation…
NAATI News | February 2023

In this month’s edition: New languages added, NAATI Learn updated, Staff Spotlight: Lee Yacoumis, Industry updates and upcoming events.