Update to Credentialed Community Language test results validity period

We are pleased to announce that all Credentialed Community Language (CCL) credentials issued from 9 August 2022 will have a five-year validity period. This is an increase from the previous three-year validity period.

Why was this change made?

NAATI’s terms and conditions are subject to change, just like any other organisations. NAATI sometimes makes changes to the terms and conditions to improve our service to the community.

In this case, the validity period for the CCL credential has been amended to align it with the Community Language Aide credential. The Community Language Aide test is the other non-professional test offered by NAATI. This change means that all of NAATI’s non-professional tests (i.e. tests not delivered for translators and interpreters) have the same validity period.

What does this change mean for you?

  • Any CCL credentials issued after 9 August 2022 will automatically have a five-year validity period.
  • If you received your CCL results before 9 August 2022, your credential will have a three-year validity period.

We are unable to amend the expiry dates of existing results in our system. If you have previously sat the CCL test and your results are expiring, you will need to sit the test again at your own cost.

Read more about the Credentialed Community Language test here.

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