A connected community without language barriers

Services Australia | Job opportunity for interpreters and translators

Job overview

Services Australia have a panel of over 1500 contracted interpreters and translators. We engage them as needed to provide interpreting and translation services, either in person, or by telephone or video conference.

We are looking for language professionals to join our panel for the languages below:


  • Acholi
  • Anuak
  • Auslan/ Deaf
  • Bari
  • Bembe
  • Chin Siyin/Chin Tedim
  • Hakka/ Hakka Timorese
  • Karenni/Kayah Eastern/Kayah Western
  • Kurdish Kurmanji
  • Lisu
  • Luganda/Ganda
  • Madi
  • Nuer
  • Portuguese
  • Raratongan
  • Samoan
  • Sango
  • Telugu
  • Tongan


  • Bengali (Bengali to English)
  • Slovenian

We are also looking for interpreters, in any language who have worked with the Australian Federal Police, police, or courts.

About Services Australia

Services Australia is a government agency that delivers payments and services to help Australians in their day-to-day lives.

We connect culturally and linguistically diverse customers to interpreters to help them understand our payments and services.

How to apply

Successful applicants must:

  • Be an Australian citizen, permanent resident or hold a visa with permanent or indefinite rights to work in Australia with no conditions; and
  • Be able to provide services during business hours
  • NAATI Certification or recognition where available

If you would like to join our panel, email language.services@servicesaustralia.gov.au and include your:

  • Full name
  • Residential address
  • Contact phone number
  • Australian residence status
  • If you’re an interpreter, translator or both and NAATI certification level for each language you speak
  • NAATI Certification Practitioner Number and relevant work experience

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