RMIT research project on ‘Overcoming Language-Related Barriers in the Access of CALD Clients with Dementia to Health Services through Interpreters’.

Participants wanted for a RMIT research project on ‘Overcoming Language-Related Barriers in the Access of CALD Clients with Dementia to Health Services through Interpreters’.

This study seeks to explore the effectiveness of certified interpreters in facilitating communication between CALD individuals with dementia, their caregivers, and healthcare practitioners. The input from certified interpreters will provide valuable insights into the expectations and needs regarding interpreter services in medical settings. By participating, interpreters will help shape future healthcare policies and guidelines, ultimately leading to better healthcare outcomes for CALD individuals with dementia. This may reduce treatment costs, and unnecessary hospitalisations, and improve their overall quality of life. The project respects participants’ anonymity and does not collect any traceable data to protect respondents’ privacy.

To be eligible interpreters must:
📌 Be a NAATI-certified interpreter in a language other than English, where certification is available.
📌Have work experience in dementia settings.
📌Have an open-minded and inclusive approach towards dementia issues.

There are no costs associated with participating in this research project, and eligible participants will be able to claim 10 NAATI PD points for their participation.

Click below for more information and to participate:
Participant information sheet’s link:
Questionnaire link:

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