Research study: Culturally and linguistically diverse aphasia rehabilitation

The experience of aphasia rehabilitation for culturally and linguistically diverse people with aphasia and interpreters.


Researchers at La Trobe University are conducting a project about interpreters’ experience of working with speech pathologists to provide aphasia therapy.

The research study is looking to recruit people who meet the following criteria:

  • qualified to work as a Certified Provisional Interpreter, Certified Interpreter, or Certified Specialist Health Interpreter in Australia, and
  • work with speech pathologists providing aphasia therapy to culturally and linguistically diverse people with aphasia in a healthcare setting in Australia which provides access to interpreter services.


Participants will be asked to complete an online interview (approximately one hour) if they agree to participate.


Please contact the following person via email or phone to register your interest in taking part in the research:

Chelsea Larkman
Principal Investigator / Student Researcher / Speech Pathologist
Telephone: (03) 9479 2088

If you have questions about the research and would like to speak to the Chief Investigator, please contact the following person:

Professor Miranda Rose
Director, Centre of Research Excellence in Aphasia Recovery and Rehabilitation
Telephone: (03) 9479 2088

This study has been approved by the Ethics Review Committee (CRGH Zone) of the Sydney Local Health District. Any person with concerns or complaints about the conduct of this study should contact the Executive Officer on 02 9767 5622 and quote protocol number 2022/PID01055.

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