Paid practice tests now available

NAATI is excited to announce that we’re launching paid practice tests for Certified Translator and Credentialed Community Language (CCL) tests from April 2023 in response to requests from candidates, with other test types to be added in the future.

We currently offer candidates free practice materials for certification tests via NAATI Learn, and for CCL via our website. We will continue to provide these materials free of charge for candidates and also add more over time.

The new paid practice tests offer candidates the advantage of taking the test in the same conditions as they will experience during their upcoming test, including proctoring and live help and support, and the tests will be marked by NAATI examiners with the same marking rubrics and scores.

With all paid practice tests using previously used test materials, candidates can get a good indication of the complexity and style of NAATI testing. They will also receive genuine feedback on performance to assist in determining their readiness for the actual test.

Paid practice test details

Credentialed Community Language (CCL)

Cost $165 (incl GST)
Time 30 minutes
Test format 2 approximately 300 word dialogues in English and your other language
Marking Each dialogue will receive a score out of 45, with a total result out of 90
Results Results will be issued to candidates within 4 to 6 weeks

The CCL practice test is conducted in the same manner as the regular CCL test. To pass the CCL practice test, you must achieve a score of 63 or more, and at least 29 marks in each dialogue. Practice tests are marked by fewer examiners than actual tests.

The results received are unable to be used to claim points for migration. Passing the practice test does not guarantee a pass in an actual test.

Certified Translator

Cost $165 (incl GST)
Time 75 minutes
Test format 1 x 250 word non-specialised translation text from LOTE to English or English to LOTE
Marking The CT practice test is marked as per the rubrics
Results Results will be issued to candidates within 4 to 6 weeks

The CT practice test is conducted in the same manner as the regular test, however, only contains one translation task (instead of 2) and no revision task. Practice tests are marked by fewer examiners than regular tests, and the results received are not able to be used to contribute to future tests or to work as a Certified Translator.

Passing the practice test does not guarantee a pass in an actual test.

How to apply

  1. Log into your myNAATI account
  2. Select “Submit an Application”  
  3. Select “Practice Test”
  4. Enter details for your application, there is no checking required by NAATI for these practice tests, so you’ll be made instantly eligible.
  5. On your myNAATI homepage select “Manage My Tests”
  6. Select a practice test session and make payment.

Practice test candidates will receive test materials that they have not previously seen and the domains that they come from will vary. Where there are no unseen practice materials available candidates will have the option of a full refund or taking a previously seen practice test again.

Frequently asked questions

NAATI received feedback from candidates that although the practice tests available were good, they would benefit from feedback from examiners to assist them. The cost for the practice tests is to pay for examiners and the online platform that is used.
No. These tests are only for candidates that want a practice test that more closely resembles the actual tests and want to receive marks from NAATI examiners to assist them in determining their readiness to sit a test. Our freely available practice tests will continue to be available to all candidates.
Yes. As the practice tests are conducted in the same way as actual tests there are costs involved in setting up the tests, rostering staff on to administer them, and the platforms and systems involved in delivery. Our regular cancellation and reschedule policy applies.
No. These are practice tests only. The marks received in them are an indicator of your readiness for actual tests as they are marked to the same standards and under the same conditions, but they use old test materials and are marked by fewer examiners.
Yes. There is no limit to the number of practice tests you can take, however there are limited numbers of unique practice tests. There will be an increasing number of practice tests made available but early in our launch candidates who take the practice test multiple times may exhaust all available test material. Where a candidate will be offered a session with material previously taken, they will be given the option of a full refund or an ability to take the test with one they have seen before.
Practice tests are created on the same platform in the same way as actual tests so the test experience will be almost identical to your actual test day. The tests are created using actual test material from earlier test rounds that have been retired from use, so they reflect the length and complexity of actual tests.
As the practice tests are a new addition for NAATI, we are starting off by introducing a limited number of sessions to ensure that demand and resourcing are appropriate. Once we have a better idea of candidate’s desire for the tests, we will add more practice test sessions to meet demand.
The practice tests are an indication of your performance, by trained NAATI examiners. As it is a practice test there is no ability to request a review.

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