A connected community without language barriers


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19 ਨਵੰ. 2019

How Much Should We Be Charging?

About the author: Maddy has been working as a Spanish->English translator for over 5 years, and is hoping to gain certification in Portuguese soon too. Her interest in Spanish, along with a fascination with Latin America, began many years ago on a high school exchange in Argentina. She specialises in medical translation, with a particular passion...

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05 ਨਵੰ. 2019

Ethical Dilemma

“Dr, Does Lily Still Need to Continue with the Antibiotics?” I was in a deep sleep and still dreaming, when all of a sudden, I was awakened by a familiar buzzing sound by my bedside table. I reached out for it thinking; “Who would want to call me at this time?” It was a call...

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17 ਅਕਤੂਃ 2019

New Multi-lingual Anatomy App: Rumbalpuy Dhäwu

Yow bukmak! (Hi everyone!) Ŋäku dhäwu mala rumbalpuy Yolŋukurr! (Listen to stories of the body in Yolŋu-matha!) ARDS is pleased to announce that ARDS Aboriginal Corporation’s new multi-lingual anatomy app, Rumbalpuy Dhäwu, is now available for download at your favorite app store. (Search for “Rumbalpuy Dhawu” at Google Play or the App Store). Covering four...

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08 ਅਕਤੂਃ 2019

The Customer is Always Right

Years ago, when I was working as a junior salesgirl in a clothing store, we were taught that the customer was our number one priority – “the customer is always right” was the motto. Now many years later working as a translator from Bahasa Indonesia into my own language of English, there are times where...

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30 ਸਤੰ. 2019

Getting The Most From Health Translations

Do you use Health Translations when preparing for assignments? The website, funded by the Victorian Government and managed by the Centre for Culture, Ethnicity and Health (CEH), is an online library of more than 20,000 multilingual resources in 107 languages (including Auslan, Easy English and Plain English) related to health and community services.It is targeted at...

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17 ਸਤੰ. 2019

Success in the Torres Strait

The stunning Thursday Island in the Torres Strait provided an amazing setting for the first Community Language Aide (CLA) assessments in an Indigenous language. This July, NAATI travelled to the Torres Strait to test 10 Border Movement Officers, who work for the Department of Home Affairs throughout the area, in Yumplatok which they use in...

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