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18 ਨਵੰ. 2020

Challenges in the Translation of Languages with Non-Roman Script

Dr Yavar Dehghani Languages with Non-Roman script including Arabic, Chinese, Cyrillic, Greek, Hebrew, Japanese, Korean, Persian, Dari, Tamil, and Thai have more challenges than others. The translation of documents from English, a language with Roman script, into these languages can have challenges for the formatting of phrases, sentences, and tables, etc. Some of these languages, like...

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08 ਨਵੰ. 2020

NAIDOC. NAATI. And Woggabaliri.

The subject of this week’s post is NAIDOC Week and its 2020 theme of ‘Always was, Always will be.’ It is an opportunity for us to reflect on the importance of all cultures, the value of Indigenous peoples, and the part we play in Reconciliation. NAIDOC originally stood for ‘National Aborigines and Islanders Day Observance...

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04 ਨਵੰ. 2020

NAATI’s YouTube Channel

Let’s be honest, YouTube is a great place for…..well…..wasting a lot of time. Yes, there are funny memes, fashion tips from the Kardashians and plenty of sporting videos.  And if you delve a little deeper, this platform is brimming with valuable and informative content.  Yes, the ‘Tube has lots of learning opportunities and plenty of educational channels, such as our own NAATI channel, which...

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04 ਨਵੰ. 2020

Changes to the Task Brief in the Certified Translator Test

As part of its ongoing quality assurance and review processes, NAATI has recently reviewed the format of the task brief for the Certified Translator test tasks – the translation and revision tasks. The new task brief format moves away from a narrative text style to an easy-to-read table format. This change aims to standardise task...

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28 ਅਕਤੂਃ 2020

“A Little Bird Told Me”: Raising Children in a Bilingual Environment

By Ekaterina Korolkevich-Rubbo, A NAATI Certified Provisional Interpreter The idea for translation of Russian Nursery Rhymes into English came to me when my daughter Ellen was born. All my life I’d lived in Russia always loving folklore, beautiful fairy tales, wise fables and tender songs.  I started questioning the whole idea of culture, identity and...

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26 ਅਕਤੂਃ 2020

Professional Development Short Courses

Monash University are holding an Ethics for Interpreters and Ethics for Translators online professional development short course. Ethics for Interpreters The online PD workshop examines the ethical complexities of the interpreter’s work in relation to the AUSIT Code of Ethics, as well as the ASLIA Code of Ethics and Professional Conduct. The workshop analyses ethical...

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