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21 ژوئن 2021

Survey: Interpreting in Confrontational Settings

Research Study:  Interpreting in Confrontational Settings – Challenges, Strategies and Ethical Considerations Dear Interpreter, Researchers at UNSW Sydney are conducting a research project about the way in which confrontational situations affect the work of interpreters in Australia. They are looking for practising interpreters who want to take part in this research and who are: Over...

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07 ژوئن 2021

Tasmania: Interpreter Training Scholarship Program

Scholarship opportunity for Tasmanian interpreters and bi-cultural workers seeking NAATI Certification The Tasmanian Government is offering funding to help local interpreters enrol in the Interpreter skills Online Training for NAATI Certification provided by RMIT University. Priority LanguagesAmharic, Arabic, Auslan, Bislama, Burmese, Cantonese (north only), Dari, Farsi, Hakha Chin and Chin dialects, Hazaragi, Japanese, Hindi, Mandarin...

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03 ژوئن 2021

Victoria: COVID-19 Vaccinations for Interpreters

The Victorian Government has advised that interpreters that visit healthcare settings are eligible to receive the COVID-19 vaccine. The COVID-19 vaccines are free, safe and voluntary – the more people who are vaccinated, the greater the protection for those vaccinated and the whole community.  Vaccination clinics are available in convenient locations across Victoria. Depending on your age, you will...

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02 ژوئن 2021

The NSW Interpreter Scholarship Program

Interested in a Career as an Interpreter? About the Program The NSW Government, in conjunction with TAFE NSW, is offering scholarships to residents of NSW to undertake an accredited interpreting course to gain a Statement of Attainment in Interpreting Skills through TAFE NSW. Successful course graduates will be eligible to become Recognised Practicing Interpreters with...

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26 مه 2021

Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland: EOI Speak My Language

Expression of Interest Ethnic Communities Council of Queensland (ECCQ) is offering paid positions to bilingual individuals to create podcasts of culturally and linguistically diverse (CALD) Queenslanders living with a disability. We are seeking Arabic, Sudanese Arabic, Mandarin, Cantonese, Vietnamese, Samoan, Persian, Dari and Hazaragi speakers for this round. Podcast training will be provided. Direct or...

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24 مه 2021

NAATI System Upgrade – Payment Services Affected

To our valued practitioners and candidates, NAATI is implementing a major finance system upgrade to improve our ability to provide professional and secure transactions. The upgrade will commence at 5pm AEST on Thursday 24 June 2021 and be completed by 9am AEST on Thursday 1 July 2021. No payments or refunds can be processed while...

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