A connected community without language barriers


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21 ژوئن 2022

Online International Colloquium: Translating Informed Consent in Maternal Healthcare and Beyond

The University of Edinburgh is conducting a project titled ‘Translating informed consent in Scottish maternity services’ funded by the Royal Society of Edinburgh which began in January 2022. More information on the project can be found at https://blogs.ed.ac.uk/translating-informed-consent/The research team will hold an international colloquium on 7 October 2022 (online, open internationally, free of charge):...

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06 ژوئن 2022

Survey to investigate contributing factors of court and tribunal interpreters’ job satisfaction in Australia

Danni Hickey | Masters of Translating and Interpreting RMIT University This survey project aims to analyse an online self-administered survey distributed to interpreters who work in Australian courts & tribunals. The analysis aims to produce basic demographic data relating to the respondents’ attitudes towards their job satisfaction. Interpreting in courts & tribunals is one of the...

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24 مه 2022

Language services for better care of migrant seniors

NAATI, All Graduates, and AfCAS‘s seminar ‘Language services for better care of migrant seniors’ aims to discuss improving access to quality language services for aged care providers and Culturally and Linguistically Diverse (CALD) seniors, their families, and communities, as well as deepening the skills of the interpreters and translators for aged care settings. Join a...

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16 مه 2022

EOI: Translationz RPI Workshop

Workshop for non-certified interpreters of languages with limited or no NAATI test available. Workshop content Translationz has designed a professional development training that aims to support and guide non-certified interpreters of languages with limited or no NAATI test available to apply for a NAATI recognition credential. Learning outcomes The free online workshop will cover the...

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12 مه 2022

Communicating with Refugees: What, When and How

Multicultural Interactive Forum Forum content As part of Refugee Week 2022, Polaron Language Services are holding a multicultural interactive forum titled ‘Communicating with Refugees: What, When and How’. Discussion topics During this forum, a panel of communication and refugee experts partake in discussions centered around:– Creative ways of engaging refugee communities through translated resources– Steps being taken...

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12 مه 2022

MBIE-NAATI information evening

Do you know that interpreters working in the New Zealand public sector will be required to hold NAATI certification by 1 July 2024? Read more about this initiative here: https://loom.ly/2W-SpfI We are excited to invite those who are interested in becoming NAATI-certified with support from the New Zealand Government to a free information evening and Q&A...

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