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13 جولای 2022

Job opportunity: Expressions Australia

Become a part of the Expressions Australia Network! Role overview: Expression provides market-leading interpreting services and career opportunities. We have a huge demand for our services and post COVID there’s been continued strong growth and ongoing demand. Our work with Government, Business and Sporting codes has increased our need for Video Relay Auslan Interpreting (VRI)....

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08 جولای 2022

2022 Monash T&I Professional Development Program

The Translation and Interpreting program at Monash University is proud to commence a new cycle of online and in-person Professional Development (PD) short courses. Successful participants can yield 20, 40 or up to 60 PD Points for NAATI recertification purposes. Upcoming courses December 2022 Mental Health Interpreting3 December to 17 DecemberInterested in mental health? See...

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07 جولای 2022

Now available: New test preparation modules

We are excited to announce that we have recently launched an online test preparation module to assist you in preparing for the Certified Interpreter test. This is following our announcement in January about the launch of similar modules for the Certified Provisional Interpreter and Certified Translator tests. The test preparation modules are available on our...

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29 ژوئن 2022

Self-care for interpreters in challenging situations

A resource fact sheet developed in partnership with Queensland Transcultural Mental Health Centre and Addiction & Mental Health Services, Metro South Health. Interpreting in the healthcare environment can be a very rewarding profession. However, there can be certain environments where interpreting can be demanding and leave you feeling emotionally and physically exhausted.This fact sheet has...

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22 ژوئن 2022

Health translations available

Health Translations is a free online library of high-quality translated Australian health and wellbeing information. Made for Australian health practitioners and people working with culturally and linguistically diverse communities, the site provides quick access to reliable resources in over 100 languages, including Easy English and Auslan. The Health Translations June newsletter has the latest multilingual...

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22 ژوئن 2022

Interpreter participants for training trial: Improving interpreting for dementia assessments

The National Ageing Research Institute’s (NARI) MINDSET project (Improving interpreting for dementia assessments) has developed a training package specifically to support interpreters who work with people with dementia or interpret for cognitive assessments. NARI are seeking interpreters to participate in a randomised control trial of the training, to evaluate whether it is effective. For the...

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