Introducing Certified Provisional Deaf Interpreter

As part of our new certification system NAATI has introduced a Certified Provisional Deaf Interpreter test. The first round of testing was held in Melbourne and Perth in November 2019. A total of nineteen candidates participated in this first test round.

The test was developed through consultation with members of the Deaf community including Deaf interpreters, Auslan interpreters and students enrolled in Diploma of Interpreting studies. NAATI acknowledges that many members of the Deaf community have been waiting many years for this opportunity and we wish to thank members of the Deaf and Auslan interpreting communities in Adelaide, Brisbane, Melbourne, Perth and Sydney for contributing their skills and experience to assist NAATI to develop and deliver this new certification test.

Candidates sitting the Certified Provisional Deaf Interpreter test are required to demonstrate their ability to interpret between Auslan and Non-conventional sign language (NCSL) through two live role play dialogue tasks involving an English speaker, a (hearing) Auslan interpreter and a NCSL user. Candidates are expected to work primarily in consecutive mode but can use simultaneous mode throughout the dialogue as appropriate. Candidates also complete two sight translation tasks, one from written English into NCSL and the other from written English into Auslan. The test covers 3 of the 5 language combinations/skills currently recognised under NAATI’s credentialing system.

Individuals who currently hold a Recognised Practising Deaf Interpreter credential are eligible to sit the Certified Provisional interpreter test. NAATI will continue to offer Recognised Practising credentials in the following five language combinations/skills:

  • Auslan/Non-conventional sign language (NCSL)
  • Written English>NCSL
  • Written English>Auslan
  • Auslan/Adapted sign language (visually adapted or tactile form of sign language used by DeafBlind or Deaf persons with low-vision)
  • Auslan/Conventional sign language (e.g. American sign language)


Individuals who meet the eligibility criteria may apply for recognition in one or more of any of the above language combinations/skills.

More information about Deaf Interpreting can be found through our website.

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