Interpreting for people who have experienced sexual assault

Course description

Although interpreters are required to effectively translate and interpret across a wide range of subject matters, interpreting for adults and children who have experienced sexual assault remains one of their most challenging domains. Sexual assault can have a significant impact on victims, particularly on those from migrant or refugee backgrounds. This is largely due to the complex nature and dynamics of sexual assault including shame, secrecy, cultural traditions and community attitudes, as well as the legal implications of this crime. Deeper understanding of the impact of sexual assault can increase interpreters’ capacity to work more effectively with counsellors, social workers and healthcare professionals in supporting victims.

About the workshop

This 2-day workshop helps to equip Interpreters to assist service providers to create a safe environment for adults and children to disclose abuse and access help. It uses a trauma-informed approach to provide a safe place to identify and reflect on their personal and cultural barriers that could get in the way of impartial and accurate interpreting and supports the management of their own reactions to this highly emotive and distressing area of work.

The workshop will explore:

  • The importance of maintaining content areas includes professional boundaries.
  • Effective strategies in working with healthcare and other service providers in the context of sexual assault.
  • The importance of briefing prior to, and debriefing after assignments, as well as a clear understanding of roles and responsibilities in relation to relevant policy and protocol.

This workshop is eligible for 40 professional development points under the NAATI recertification process.

Learning outcomes

  • Outline the definitions, prevalence, dynamics and impact of child and adult sexual assault
  • Apply this knowledge to interpreting for migrant and refugee people who have experienced child sexual assault or adult sexual assault
  • Explore common beliefs and attitudes toward people who experience sexual assault and how this impacts them and their access to services
  • Apply a trauma-informed framework to interpreting for victims of child and adult sexual assault
  • Summarise knowledge of the medico-legal context of sexual assault (including forensic examinations) to support effective interpreting
  • Identify personal and professional challenges when working with victims of sexual assault and helpful strategies to support Interpreters in their role

Other info

Completion of the course CE -201 Interpreting for people who have experienced domestic and family violence.

NSW HCIS Interpreters – Free
NSW Interpreters – $80
Private practitioners & Interstate participants – $200

Morning & afternoon tea is provided. Lunch is not provided.

Apply now

📍 Click here to download the information fact sheet
📍 Click here to apply

Applications close 18 October 2022.

For all enquiries please contact:
Coordinator: Eva Adamkiewicz | Email:
Or phone/email the administration office: | 02-9840-3735

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