Call for Research Participants: Police Interpreting

The University of Newcastle, University of New South Wales and Griffith University are conducting a study of interpreted communication in police interviews.

Certified Interpreters in Mandarin and Spanish are invited to participate in this research study.

You will receive a $100 Coles/Myer gift voucher for your time. Total participation time will be approximately three hours, including a free online training course on police interviewing. Participation in the study counts towards your NAATI recertification points as 2 hours of training and 0.5 hours of interpreting practice.

You are invited to attend a free professionally developed online course on police interviewing and rapport-building strategies, at your own pace. In addition, you will interpret a brief police interview online. The interview will be scheduled at a mutually convenient time via Zoom. You will be asked to interpret either in the consecutive or the simultaneous mode. The interview will be audio and video-recorded for subsequent analysis.

Prior to the interview, you will answer a short questionnaire about your experience and qualifications. This will take about 10 minutes. Following the interview, you will be asked about your impressions of the interview, and you will be de-briefed.

All your personal details will remain strictly confidential. You will not be identified in any summaries or publications of the study results.

If you are interested in participating in the study or require further information, please email with your contact number and specify your interpreting language.

This study is funded by the US High-Value Detainee Interrogation Group. The chief researchers are Professor Jane Goodman-Delahunty, Professor Sandra Hale, Dr Natalie Martschuk and Dr Susan Brandon. The study has ethics approval from the University of Newcastle (No. H-20d21-0208).

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