Australian Indigenous Languages

Austlang Codeathon

Help improve Australian Indigenous language descriptions in library collections

Indigenous Language lovers and data nerds. Here’s fabulous opportunity to help in the quest to preserve and revive Australian Indigenous languages.   

The National Library, AIATSIS, Trove, Libraries Australia and the State and Territory libraries are collaborating on a national codeathon during NAIDOC Week (7-14 July). 

The aim is to encourage both librarians and anyone else to add Austlang codes to language material.

How can I get involved?

It’s easy to get involved. You can add Austlang codes in your library system, Libraries Australia cataloguing client, or tag the material on Trove.

The Auslang National Codeathon have published a webpage with information for both librarians and you, on how to search Austlang and tag items in Trove.

There is a link to a cataloguing help sheet and webinar that provides detailed information on how to add Austlang codes to bibliographic records.

Start by coding items in your collections that are in an Indigenous language. We will publish some sample searches which will return items likely to be in Indigenous languages that you can tag in Trove.

Throughout the week we’ll track progress with the help of Trove so keep checking the page for updated information. 

Social Media

Look out for posts on the National Library and Trove social media throughout the week on the codeathon and post details of what you are doing using these hashtags.

  • @IYIL2019
  • @TroveAustralia
  • @NSLA
  • #IYIL2019
  • #NAIDOCweek

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