AUSIT In Touch magazine is now open access

Great news! AUSIT’s internationally award-winning In Touch magazine is now an Open Access Publication.

Following feedback from contributors, readers and AUSIT’s Communications Committee, all issues of In Touch will now be available to the public. While the magazine remains a particularly valuable resource for AUSIT members, AUSIT’s National Council have decided that making it fully public again will help increase AUSIT’s visibility as the Australian T&I industry’s peak professional body, and may encourage non-members to join.

Access to the magazine has also been overhauled to improve the reader experience (on both computers and mobile devices) and also to make it easier to share content on social media. You can now read the magazine on the AUSIT website in a flipbook format, and also click on individual articles’ titles in the flipbook to read them as posts on AUSIT’s blog and share them on social media.

Read issues of the In Touch magazine on the AUSIT website here: In Touch Magazine | AUSIT | Translators and Interpreters Australia

You can share both In Touch magazine and individual articles (via blog links inside it) with friends and family, colleagues and other stakeholders.

Advertise in In Touch

The changes above are accompanied by a decision to open up advertising opportunities. If you wish to advertise your products/services, please email AUSIT’s Communications Officer:

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