Using the name NAATI, the NAATI logo & branding
The name ‘NAATI’ is a registered trademark and use of this trademark is closely monitored.
Your proper use of NAATI’s name is necessary to protect the strong reputation and high standards of NAATI’s brand, as the only organisation with governmental authority to issue certification to translators and interpreters in Australia.
Any improper use of our name by organisations, NAATI certified practitioners or anyone else hurts and devalues the ‘NAATI’ name.
NAATI only certifies individual translators and interpreters. No organisation, aside from tertiary education institutions which have been approved as Endorsed Qualification Institutions, are entitled to use NAATI’s name.
We have prepared the following examples of proper and improper use of NAATI’s name.
Proper use & examples

You may state that you hold NAATI certification
Example: John Smith, NAATI Certified Translator, English into Spanish.

Organisations and companies may state that they engage NAATI-certified translators and interpreters.
Example: Translators Melbourne Pty Ltd - We engage NAATI certified translators for our translations.

You may refer to NAATI as a third party in your marketing and advertising.
Example: We deliver NAATI Endorsed Qualifications.

Any other references to NAATI in your materials must be in reference to properly credentialed NAATI translators and interpreters.
Example: We engage the services of John Smith, NAATI Certified Interpreter.

You require written authorisation from NAATI to use our logos and branding. Your use must be consistent with our express authorisation.
Example: Dependent on written authorisation from NAATI.
Improper use & examples

You cannot register any nickname containing ‘NAATI’ in any form as a trademark, business or company name, website domain or any other identifier.
Example: Nick’s NAATI Translations Pty Ltd.

You cannot register any name that is substantially identical or deceptively similar to ‘NAATI’ as a trademark, business or company name, email address, social media page, website domain or any other identifier.
Example: NAATI Translations

You cannot make any representation or claim that you are associated with or endorsed by NAATI.
Example: Translators Canberra Pty Ltd – NAATI’s most trusted interpreters.

You cannot make any representation or claim that you are a ‘member of NAATI’. NAATI members are the governments in Australia that own NAATI.
Example: John Smith, Spanish-English Interpreter NAATI member #13J6TY

You cannot represent any certification by NAATI that has not been properly obtained.
Example: ‘Our translations are NAATI certified’.

Organisations and companies cannot state that they are certified by NAATI. NAATI only certifies individual translators and interpreters.
Example: Translators Canberra Pty Ltd – NAATI certified.
Practitioner logo
Want to promote that you are NAATI-certified?
We have developed a practitioner logo which displays the NAATI logo and indicates if the holder is a translator, interpreter or both, with two design options to choose from.
Anyone who holds a current NAATI credential can display one of the following practitioner logos. These can be displayed on a website, social media or professional page, or signature block.
Rules around using the practitioner logo
- You may display one of these practitioner logos as long as you hold a NAATI certification. If your certification lapses, you must delete all instances of the logo.
- You can display your NAATI Practitioner Number (beginning with “CPN”) anywhere that you like, alongside or separate to a practitioner logo.
- If you have been displaying the NAATI logo or some variation of the NAATI logo, you should replace that with one of these practitioner logos.
- If NAATI updates, amends or removes access to this practitioner logo, you must follow NAATI’s instructions on what to do. This may include replacing it with a new file, or deleting all instances of it from use.
- You must only display a logo that correlates to the NAATI credentials that you hold. For example, if you are a Certified Translator but do not hold any NAATI interpreter credentials, you should display one of the ‘Translator’ logos only (even if you do some casual work as an interpreter).
- While we understand these are not fit for this purpose, these logos may be displayed by language service providers, translation providers or interpreting services relevant to their service.
- Organisations may only display the logo if translators and interpreters working for them hold a NAATI certification or Recognised Practising credential under the Certification System.
- Any organisation displaying these logos must also add explanatory text to state that their services are delivered by NAATI-certified translators or interpreters. For example:

If you have any questions, please email us at