Identity Verification of Test Candidates

What is identity verification?

NAATI is committed to a high standard of customer care. This includes protecting the rights of test candidates and ensuring the testing process is legitimate.

Identity verification is an integral and essential part of NAATI’s test process. NAATI verifies the identity of each test candidate to make sure it is the same person who applied under that name.

How does NAATI verify your identity?

NAATI will verify each candidate’s identity using the following process:

  • You must have an acceptable photo identity document with you when you arrive or log in for your test. This is usually the passport or driver’s licence that you provided with your online application.
    • For online tests you will need to show your identity document to the camera when directed to do so. This may be after your test has been completed in some cases.
    • For an in-person test, you will need to show your identity document to a NAATI staff member when asked to do so.
  • A NAATI staff member will compare your identity document to you, and to the documents submitted with your application. If you are wearing a face mask, hat or glasses, you will be asked to remove them for a short time while this happens.
  • Your identity will be marked as confirmed when NAATI is satisfied that you are the same person who applied for the test.
  • If there is doubt about your identity, a NAATI staff member may take a photo of you. This will allow the operations team to assist in confirming your identity after you have completed your test. You would need to remove any face mask or glasses for this photo to be taken. You may be contacted after your test to finalise your identity check.

Special arrangements or refusal

Cultural sensitivities will be considered and special arrangements made if necessary. Candidates must tell NAATI (via email) about any concerns or special requirements before the test session.

If you (the candidate) refuse to follow the identity verification process, you will not be able to take the test. Refusal to comply also means you will not be eligible for any reschedule or refund of your test.

Practitioner details

credential result