Role-player Expression of Interest

Please read the role-player information page before you complete the form to find out if we are currently accepting applications in your language and location.

You must fill out all fields and supply your passport photograph with your application.

NAATI will use the personal information collected in this form (and any other personal information that you provide to NAATI as part of your application) to process your application and determine and record the outcome.

Role-players are employed as casual employees and are paid an hourly rate equivalent to band 3, level 1 outlined in the NAATI Enterprise Agreement. 

You must be an Australian citizen, permanent resident of Australia or New Zealand, or to hold a valid visa with work rights to be employed by NAATI. Visa checks are conducted with your passport details through VEVO.

You will not be eligible to work as a role-player if you have submitted an application to sit a test with NAATI, or if you plan to apply in the near future.

Practitioner details

credential result