Auslan, Interpreting and Translating Ǫualifications Review Project

Public Skills Australia, the Jobs and Skills Council (JSC) for the Public Safety and Government sectors, is dedicated to addressing workforce challenges and enhancing the Vocational Education and Training (VET) industry. JSCs collaborate closely with industry partners to develop and promote relevant training packages, ensuring effective implementation and ongoing support to the VET sector.

Public Skills Australia has just launched a new project, the Auslan, Interpreting and Translating Ǫualifications Review Project. This project has been initiated in response to the Disability Royal Commission 2022 recommendation 6.2: Increase the number of Auslan Interpreters, and has been designed to review the current qualifications, their utilisation and structure and identify key areas of improvement. The project’s objectives is to identify and document the issues, barriers and opportunities associated with the Auslan, Interpreting and Translating qualifications.

Specifically, PSA will be reviewing the:

  • utilisation of the Auslan training qualifications,
  • ability of RTOs and TAFEs to effectively deliver the interpreter training,
  • transition from training qualification to employment as an Auslan interpreter.

The project outcome will provide recommendations to focus on:

  • ensuring the qualifications meet the current and future needs of the industry.
  • addressing key barriers to training delivery and interpreter employment.
  • supporting the goal of increasing the number of qualified Auslan interpreters to meet the growing demand as identified by the Disability Royal Commission.

Please visit for more information on our upcoming consultative workshops, feedback opportunities, consultation outcomes and more project updates.

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